Starting out... again
I am finally starting this business and making it strictly photography. Originally Blue Rayne Couture, I was going to create and sell my clothing designs and other wearable art. I incorporated the photography, but it was not the main focus. Trying to learn both the intricacies in clothing design and photography just was a bit more than I could chew. Photography has been my love for far longer. With it, I can capture moments forever.
My interests/hobbies/career interests include photography, clothing design and manufacturing, making jewelry, painting, writing, interior design, sound engineering and music mixing.
Some background: I went to Full Sail for Recording Engineering in 1999 and graduated in 2000. After graduation, I moved to Nashville, where I worked as an intern at Castle Recording Studios. It was a rewarding and equally trying experience. I was young but knew what I wanted. I was offered a paying job (after an initial 2 month internship) at Festival Studios in New Orleans 6 months later. I moved to New Orleans in June 2001. The two month internship at Festival was a dream come true; I felt I was really going to make it in the brutal music world. I had clients interested in my work and felt confident in myself. In mid-August I was "let-go" from the studio with no explanation. The next month was 9/11. Of course, everything changed.
I put down my 35mm SLR photography for a few years until I started my life over in 2005. I started over with college completely to find a stable career type education (currently majoring in Accounting). I got to squeeze in a B&W Darkroom course (my first two classes were in high school). I got back into the art and had some good direction from the person who has always been an inspiration to me in the field of photography - a lifelong family friend and great teacher, Mr. Thompson. Darkroom is amazing - it is sad it's a dying art. I still have the Canon FT my dad passed down to me on my birthday when I was 14. Maybe one day I can afford a darkroom setup.
From 2003 until 2007 I mainly wanted to be a clothing designer. It was one of those things that I kept trying but kept blowing up in my face. I still make clothes but it's not going to be any sort of main bread winner.
And speaking of... into the digital age. In 2007, I got a Canon S3 to do my very first paid wedding shoot. It was a great experience and my first step into something I was always interested in, but like recording, wasn't sure of its viability or my ability. It was a pretty good success. They were super happy about their pictures and that is the ultimate success. I wish I had known my camera better and it was less noisy at 800 ISO, but for a first job - it was great.
(They are so cute.)
This July, I finally bought my first DSLR. XD Canon EOS Rebel T1i.. or a 500D for short.
I love it. I have a few Tamron lens, and some macro and wide angle lenses. It is a good starter kit but more lenses = more versatility.
I am looking into a studio set up and lighting to purchase in the next few months. I just made my business cards and will be ordering them in the next month.
I have also set up a account and will be working on creating a small store.
There is a PopPhoto Photography workshop in December that I am thinking about attending. It is always good to mingle with the Pro's and get to fellowship with other aspiring professionals.
After the new year, I plan to buy and build my website to advertise my services, show my art, and sell my prints (until that time, prints are available through this blog).
Once I get my lighting equipment and small studio setup, the proverbial doors will be open. From then until January 2011, I will be running a "Grand Opening / Portfolio Building Special". I will post the details then.
My long-term dream is to have a art gallery/boutique/live concert venue/beverage house that hosts art shows and live concerts by night and is a boutique, art gallery and beverage bar (coffee, tea, gourmet drinks, etc.) during the day. Just something I have been dreaming about since high school...
The sky is the limit.
I am thankful to my strong support base and my muses. Without you I am nothing but a mere picture taker.
10 November 2009
Posted by Jessica Hunt at 11/10/2009 04:51:00 AM 0 comments